APIs and client tools



Configuration section for managing the License Key.


Enter the provided license key for this installation.


The Messenger service is responsible for sending email notifications.

SMTP Connection Timeout

Timeout (in seconds) to wait before giving up trying to connect.

SMTP User Account

User account for the SMTP server if authentication is required.

From Name

The name any messages will appear 'From'


Enable or Disable the Service.

Retry Delay

Delay (in seconds) to wait before retrying a failed send.

Retry Max Attempts

Number of times to retry sending when errors are encountered before giving up.

Administrative Emails

A list of users who will receive system status and warning information.

From Email

The email address any messages will appear 'From'

SMTP User Password

User password for the SMTP server if authentication is required.

SMTP Server Port

Port number of the SMTP server.

Use Legacy SSL

Use legacy SSL connections. (uncommon)

SMTP Server Address

Address of the SMTP server.


The 'Automate Poller' is responsible for monitoring the queue and starting Automate Tasks.

Loop Delay

Number of seconds to sleep between queue checks.


Set the debug level of the process. (10=DEBUG, 20=INFO, 30=WARNING, 40=ERROR, 50=CRITICAL)


Enable or Disable the Service.


Agility Connect Server URL to which Poller/Task Engine will communicate.


Security Policy and settings for the application.

Verbose Page View Logging

Enable for debug/audit purposes. Writes a Security Log entry for every page access by every user.

Password Minimum Length

Minumum allowed length for a valid password.

New User Welcome Email

The body of an email sent to new user accounts.

Password Maximum Age

Maximum age a password will be allowed. Changing this setting will force a user to change their password immediately if their current password is older than the new Max age.

Login Message

A message to display on the Login page.

Password Age Warning Days

Number of days before expiration to begin warning the user about password expiration.

Password Maximum Length

Maximum allowed length for a password.

Authentication Error Message

A customized message that appears when there are failed login attempts.

Password History

The number of historical passwords to cache and prevent reuse.

Auto Lock Reset

The number of minutes before failed password lockout expires.

Complex Password?

Require 'complex' passwords? (numbers and special character)

Password Maximum Attempts

Maximum number of failed login attempts allowed before locking the account.


Settings for the 'SSO' module.

Inbound Webhooks Debug

Set the debug level of the processing of Inbound Webhooks. (10=DEBUG, 20=INFO, 30=WARNING, 40=ERROR, 50=CRITICAL)


Global system configuration items and other settings not specific to any other category.

MessageHub URL (External)

Force all generated URLs to use the specified value.


LDAP/AD service port

Core Service Debug

Set the debug level of the process. (10=DEBUG, 20=INFO, 30=WARNING, 40=ERROR, 50=CRITICAL)

MessageHub Bind Address

Bind the Agility Connect MessageHub to a local address, overrides


SSL Certificate to use for the UI.

LDAP/AD Server

LDAP/AD Server for User Authentication

UI URL (External)

Force all generated URLs to use the specified value.

Canvas Temp Directory

Canvas temporary directory for file uploads.

MessageHub Port

Run on the specified TCP port.

Message History

Number of days of email message queue history to keep.

Share Usage Statistics

Share usage statistics with

Core Service Loop

Loop timer for the Core service.

UI Debug

Set the debug level of the process. (10=DEBUG, 20=INFO, 30=WARNING, 40=ERROR, 50=CRITICAL)

Agility Connect DataSync Debug

Set the debug level of the process. (10=DEBUG, 20=INFO, 30=WARNING, 40=ERROR, 50=CRITICAL)

Rest API Allowed Origins

Comma-separated list of origins allowed to access the API.

Enable External Downloads

Allow browsers to request external resources to improve performance?

MessageHub Enabled

UI Menu Canvas

One or more name:path; entries to Canvas resources. Appear as a 'Custom Pages' link in the Main UI right-side menu.


Run the UI in secure (https) mode?

Service Logs History

Number of days of services logs to keep.

Single Server Database Logging

Centralized logging to the database is disabled when 'Single Server Mode' is true. Setting this 'true' explicitly ENABLES database logging in a single-server configuration. While there are benefits in log management, there is a small performance impact.

Default Time Zone

Default time zone for all users (users can override this time zone in My Account)

MessageHub Debug

Set the debug level of the process. (10=DEBUG, 20=INFO, 30=WARNING, 40=ERROR, 50=CRITICAL)

UI Bind Address

Bind the Agility Connect UI to a local address, overrides

Canvas Allowed Origins

Comma-separated list of origins allowed to access Canvas resources.


Use SSL for the LDAP/AD connection?

Single Server Mode

All work will execute on the main server instead of one or more configured 'worker' servers.

Core Service Enabled

JobHandler Debug

Set the debug level of the process. (10=DEBUG, 20=INFO, 30=WARNING, 40=ERROR, 50=CRITICAL)

Rest API Basic Authentication

Allow 'basic' authentication to the Rest API.

UI Token Authentication

Allow user token authentication to the UI.

UI SSL Certificate

SSL Certificate to use for the UI.