APIs and client tools

Home Agility Connect REST API


Accepts any JSON payload submitted, and runs it through the defined list of Directives.

Required Arguments:

Returns: Success message if successful, error message on failure.


Cancel failed event

    Required Arguments:

    * `inbound_id` - The inbound id of the failed event


Check if a mapping name already exists.

    Required Arguments:

    * `name` - The mapping name to be checked for existence.

    Returns a boolean indicating if the mapping already exists.


Clone data map.

    Required Arguments:

    * `id` - The id of the data map.


Creates a new data map.

    Required Arguments:

    * `name` - The name of the data map.
    * `direction_type` - The direction of the mapping (forward-direction, backward-direction or bi-direction).
    * `forward-direction` - The field mappings for the forward direction.
    * `backward-direction` - The field mappings for the backward direction.

    Returns the id of the newly created data map.


Creates a new instance of a particular plugin.

            Required Arguments:

            * `plugin_id` - The system plugin id.
            * '_config' - Configuration parameters for the new plugin instance.
                * name - The instance name.
                * url - The url of the instance.
                * user - The username for the instance.
                * password - The password for the instance.
                * token - The token for the instance.
                * description - Description of the instance.

            Returns the newly created plugin instance.


Delete the data map.

    Required Arguments:

    * `id` - The id of the data map.


Deletes a specific instance of a particular plugin.

            Required Arguments:

            * `plugin_id` - The system plugin id.
            * 'instance_id' - The id of the instance.

            Returns success upon successful deletion of the plugin instance.


Configure email notification for the data map.

           Required Arguments:

           * `id` - The id of the data map.


Gets a data map as a file for export.

    Required Arguments:

    * `id` - The id of the data map to be exported.

    Returns a file with exported datamap.


Gets an Asset.

Required Arguments:

Returns: An Asset Object.


Get the license details.

Only users with the role "System Administrator" can get the license details.

Required Arguments:

Returns: The relevant properties of the current license.


Gets the log for a specific service or automation instance.

Non-instance process logs can only be requested by system administrators. Instance process logs can be requested by team members (users, developers, team administrators) of the given instance's team.

Required Arguments:

Optional Arguments:

NOTE: specifying lines=all can return a very large amount of data.

Returns: An array of log entries or a text buffer (depending on the concatenate option) in the requested format.


Gets all the available data maps for given instances.

    Required Arguments:

    * `inbound_instance` - The system 1 instance id.
    * `outbound_instance` - The system 2 instance id.
    * `mappingId` - Id of current data map.

    Returns a list of data map objects.


Gets a Project object.

Required Arguments:

Returns: A Project Object.


Gets a registry document by name.

Required Arguments:

Returns: the entire Registry document on success, 'not found' otherwise.


Lists all the settings of modules.

Only users with the role "System Administrator" can get settings.

Optional Arguments:

Returns: A Settings Object.


Gets the system log. If all arguments are omitted, will return the most recent 100 entries.

Only users with the role "System Administrator" can get the system log.

Optional Arguments:

Returns: A list of Log Entry Objects.


Gets an authentication token for the API, which is the preferred alternative to 'Basic' authorization.

This function requires Basic authorization to be enabled.

Pass an Authorization header of type Basic to retrieve your Token.

If a token doesn't exist for the authenticated User, this method will generate a new token.

Returns: An authentication token.


Gets all asset types for the selected project in the selected transformer plugin instance.

    Required Arguments:

    * `plugin_id` - The id of the plugin.
    * `instance_id` - The id of the instance of the plugin.
    * `project_id` - The id of the selected project.

    Returns a list of the format {'id': <ASSET_ID>, 'name': <ASSET_NAME>}.


Gets a data map for automapped fields

    Required Arguments:

    * `source_field_id` - The field id of the source system.
    * `target_field_id` - The field id of the target system.

    Returns a data map objct with automapped fields.




Gets a data map for listing.

    Required Arguments:

    * `id` - The id of the data map to be retrieved.

    Returns a single data map object.


Gets syncronization log records.

    Required Arguments:

    * `id` - The id of the data map whose logs will be returned.

    Optional Arguments:

    * `status` - Status value by which to filter returned records.
    * `gt_id` - If provided, return only records whose IDs are greater than this value.

    Returns up to 50 syncronization log records.  Use `gt_id` to fetch additional "pages" of records.


Gets syncronization log records for specific inbound event.

    Required Arguments:

    * `id` - The id of the data map whose logs will be returned.
    * `inbound_id` - The inbound event id whose logs will be returned.

    Optional Arguments:

    * `status` - Status value by which to filter returned records.

    Returns syncronization log records.


Gets all the available data maps.

    Returns a list of data map objects.


Gets a data map for editing.

    Required Arguments:

    * `id` - The id of the data map to be retrieved.

    Returns a single data map object.


Gets all asset types for the selected project in the selected transformer plugin instance.

    Required Arguments:

    * `plugin_id` - The id of the plugin.
    * `instance_id` - The id of the instance of the plugin.
    * `project_id` - The id of the selected project.
    * `project_name` - The name of the selected project.

    Optional arguments:
    * `tracker_id` - The id of the selected tracker. (Mandatory for TF).
    * `tracker_name` - The name of the selected tracker. (Mandatory for TF).
    * `issuetype_id` - The id of the selected issyuetype. (Mandatory for Jira).
    * `issuetype_name` - The name of the selected issyuetype. (Mandatory for Jira).
    * `asset_type_id` - The id of the selected asset type. (Mandatory for V1).
    * `asset_type` - The name of the selected asset type. (Mandatory for V1).
    * `workitemtype_id` - The id of the selected workitem type. (Mandatory for Azure Devops).
    * `workitemtype_name` - The name of the selected workitem type. (Mandatory for Azure Devops).

    Returns a list of the format {'id': <ASSET_ID>, 'name': <ASSET_NAME>}.


Gets all asset types for the selected project for the 2 selected transformer plugin instances.

    Required Arguments:

    * `system_1` - Details of the first plugin instance.
    * `system_2` - Details of the second plugin instance.

    Mandatory Details for both system_1 and system_2.

    * `plugin_id` - The id of the plugin.
    * `instance_id` - The id of the instance of the plugin.
    * `asset` -
        * `project_id` - The id of the selected project.
        * `project_name` - The name of the selected project.

    Optional Details for both system_1 and system_2:
    * `asset` -
        * `tracker_id` - The id of the selected tracker. (Mandatory for TF).
        * `tracker_name` - The name of the selected tracker. (Mandatory for TF).
        * `issuetype_id` - The id of the selected issyuetype. (Mandatory for Jira).
        * `issuetype_name` - The name of the selected issyuetype. (Mandatory for Jira).
        * `asset_type_id` - The id of the selected asset type. (Mandatory for V1).
        * `asset_type` - The name of the selected asset type. (Mandatory for V1).

    Returns a list of the format {'id': <ASSET_ID>, 'name': <ASSET_NAME>}.


Gets all plugin instances that support transformer functionality.

    Returns a list of the following format.
    {'id': <PLUGIN_ID>, 'name': <PLUGIN_NAME>, 'instances': {'id': <INSTANCE_ID>, 'name': <INSTANCE_NAME>}


Gets a specific instance of a particular plugin.

            Required Arguments:

            * `plugin_id` - The system plugin id.
            * 'instance_id' - The id of the instance.

            Returns the specific instance of the plugin.


Gets all instances for a particular plugin.

            Required Arguments:

            * `plugin_id` - The system plugin id.

            Returns all instances of the plugin.


Gets all projects in the selected transformer plugin instance.

    Required Arguments:

    * `plugin_id` - The id of the plugin.
    * `instance_id` - The id of the instance of the plugin.

    Returns a list of the format {'id': <PROJECT_ID>, 'name': <PROJECT_NAME>}.


Gets a data map for listing without the field mapping info.

    Required Arguments:

    * `id` - The id of the data map to be retrieved.

    Returns a single data map object without field mapping info.


Gets the workflow for given projects and asset type.

            Required Arguments:

            * `instance_id` - The system instance id.
            * `plugin_id` - The system plugin id.
            * `projects` - selected projects.
            *  `assets`  - selected asset

            Returns a workflow.


Get the details of a specific workitem.

Required Arguments:

Returns: A workitem document.


Get the details of a specific feature.

Required Arguments:

Returns: A workitem parent document.


Performs a 'health check' on the sytem.

Returns: true/false if the system is 'healthy' and additional details.


Extracts relevant information from imported Mapping from ALMC mapping.

            Required Arguments:

            * `Source` - Source to which imported mapping belongs.

            Required for ALMC:

            * `MappingData` - Data from Mapping XML.
            * `IntegrationData` - Data from Integration json
            Returns the extracted data as a dictionary.


Installs a license file.

Only users with the role "System Administrator" can install a license.

Required Arguments:

Returns: Success or Error message.


Lists all Projects.

Optional Arguments:

Returns: A list of Project Objects.


Lists all registered Users.

Only users with the role "System Administrator" can list all registered users. If the credentials used for this API call do not have the proper permission, the call will not succeed.

Optional Arguments:

Returns: A list of User Objects.


Resets the password of the authenticated, or a specified User.

If a user is specified, and the authenticated user has the permission to reset other users' passwords, this will reset the password of the specified user to the provided value. Only users with the role "System Administrator" can change other users' passwords.

If no user is specified, the password of the authenticated user will be changed.

NOTE: to prevent accidental change of an Administrator's password, an extra trap is in place: the username (or id) MUST be provided, even if the authenticated user is the user being changed.

Required Arguments:

Optional Arguments:

Returns: Success message if successful, error messages on failure.


Resync all failed event

    Required Arguments:

    * `data_map_id` - Id of the mapping


Resync failed event

    Required Arguments:

    * `inbound_id` - The inbound id of the failed event


Configure email notification for the data map.

           Required Arguments:

           * `id` - The id of the data map.


Tests the connection based on the parameters provided for a plugin instance.

            Required Arguments:

            * `plugin` - The system plugin id.
            * 'instance_details' - Configuration parameters for the new plugin instance.
                * name - The instance name.
                * url - The url of the instance.
                * user - The username for the instance.
                * password - The password for the instance.
                * token - The token for the instance.

            Returns success upon test connection being successful.


Updates the settings of a process or module.

Only users with the role "System Administrator" can update settings.

NOTE: the update_settings command requires submission of a JSON settings object. As a guide for updating settings, first execute this command with the Accept: application/json header (or output_format=json argument).

For example, to update Messenger settings, first do:


...then use the result as a template for update_settings.

Required Arguments:

Returns: Nothing if successful, error messages on failure.


Updates a data map.

    Required Arguments:

    * `id` - The id of the data map.

    Optional Arguments:

    * `name` - The name of the data map.
    * `direction_type` - The direction of the mapping (forward-direction, backward-direction or bi-direction).
    * `forward-direction` - The field mappings for the forward direction.
    * `backward-direction` - The field mappings for the backward direction.

    Returns the id of the data map.


Updates data map by fetching new fields from the target systems

    Required Arguments:
    *  id - The id of the data map

    Returns the id of the data map.


Updates an instance of a particular plugin.

            Required Arguments:

            * `plugin_id` - The system plugin id.
            * `instance_id` - The system instance id.
            * '_config' - Configuration parameters for the new plugin instance.
                * name - The instance name.
                * url - The url of the instance.
                * user - The username for the instance.
                * password - The password for the instance.
                * token - The token for the instance.
                * description - Description of the instance.

            Returns the updated plugin instance.


Updates a user account.

Only users with the role "System Administrator" can update users. If the credentials used for this API call do not have the proper permission, the call will not succeed.

Properties will only be updated if the option is provided. Omitted properties will not be changed.

NOTE: the "username" of a user cannot be changed.

If a user has 'locked' their account by numerous failed login attempts, the flag is reset by setting any property. It's easiest to just set the status to 'enabled'.

Required Arguments:

Optional Arguments:

Returns: A User Object.


Accepts telemetry from Agility regarding changes to Workitems.

NOTE: This API is specifically bound to the format of Agility webhooks. It's expecting a JSON document as HTTP POST data. See the Agility webhooks documentation for the actual schema.

This API hands processing off to a jobhandler thread. Therefore it will always return 'success' in accepting the payload, or an error. A 'success'ful API transaction does not mean that Agility Connect successfully processed the payload - watch the jobhandler log for details.


Validate an instance of Agility Connect exists and the request is authenticated.

Returns: Success or Error message.


Returns: The Agility Connect version.