This page last changed on May 24, 2011 by jerry.


The VersionOne ClearQuest Integration (V1ClearQuest) creates defects in VersionOne based on defects in ClearQuest. Using this integration your organization can manage and triage defects reported by customers and promote them to VersionOne once you determine a fix is necessary.

Once the integraion is installed and configured, ClearQuest users can assign defects to VersionOne and they appear as Defects in the VersionOne repository. When the VersionOne defect is closed, the integration updates the ClearQuest repository to relfect this change.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how V1ClearQuest interacts with ClearQuest and VersionOne.

System Requirements

  • Operating System — Windows 2003, 2008
  • Framework — Microsoft .Net 2.0 SP1
  • VersionOne — Release 9.0 or above, including Team Edition
  • ClearQuest — ClearQuest 7.0.1 - 7.1


The latest version of V1ClearQuest is available from the VersionOne Community site


These installation instructions assume that ClearQuest is already installed, configured, and working properly.

  1. Determine Install Location
    V1ClearQuest can be installed on any server with network access to both VersionOne and ClearQuest. Exact placement should be determined by your internal software management requirements. The integration server must meet the System Requirements stated above.

  2. Extract Files
    Download V1ClearQuest using the link above and extract it into a folder of your choice.

  3. Configure
    Configuration for the ClearQuest Integration is a 3 step process.
    1. Configure ClearQuest
    2. Configure VersionOne
    3. Configure ServiceHost
  4. Start integration
    Open up the command prompt, navigate to your installation folder, and run the following command:


    If you have configured your system properly, you should see several [Info] messages followed by a [Startup] message.

  5. Test the integration
    To ensure the integration is working, perform the following steps:
    1. Create an Defect in ClearQuest
    2. Set the appropriate state in order for the ClearQuest Defect to move to VersionOne
    3. Verify that the ClearQuest Defect appears in VersionOne as a Defect
    4. Close the defect in VersionOne
    5. Verify that the ClearQuest Defect has been updated as expected
    6. Shut down the service host by pressing "Q" in the console window.
  6. Install as a Windows Service
    Run the following command from the console window:

    VersionOne.ServiceHost.exe --install

    This command installs the service so it will will run under the account NT AUTHORITY\Local Service. Local Service must be given access privileges to the directory where the V1ClearQuest executable was installed so it can store its state and write to log files. Follow the steps below to change the security on the installation directory:

    1. Right click the installation folder from Windows Explorer.
    2. Select "properties".
    3. Select the "Security" tab.
    4. Click the "Add" button.
    5. Enter "Local Service" and click "OK".
    6. Click the "Allow" checkbox for the "Full Control" row .
    7. Click "OK" to save the changes.


Configure ClearQuest

The VersionOne integration relies on States and Actions defined in the ClearQuest schema to process Defects. The ClearQuest schema allows you to customize your process model (a.k.a. workflow) for different types of change requests in the ClearQuest application. Because the schema customization is so flexible, we cannot describe every possible configuration. Therefore the instructions below describe how we customized our schema for testing. We realize that you may have different needs.

The following tables describe the States and Actions we used when testing V1ClearQuest.

ClearQuest States Used by V1ClearQuest

State Name Description
SubmitToVersionOne Indicates that the Defect is waiting to be published to VersionOne
AssignedToVersionOne Indicates that the Defect is available in the VersionOne applicaiton

ClearQuest Actions Used by V1ClearQuest

Action Name Description
AssignToVersionOne Action used by ClearQuest users to assign a Defect to the VersionOne system. This action puts the Defect in the SubmitToVersionOne State
VersionOneAccepted Action used by V1ClearQuest after the Defect is created in VersionOne. This action puts the ClearCase Defect into the AssignedToVersionOne State
Close Action used by V1ClearQuest when the VersionOne Defect is closed

Here are the steps to configure the States and Actions defined in the tables above

  1. Launch ClearQuest Designer
  2. Checkout the existing schema you want to update
  3. Create a State called "SubmitToVersionOne"
  4. Set the StateType to "Not_Resolved"
  5. Create a CHANGE_STATE Action called "AssignToVersionOne"
  6. Set the Destination State to "SubmitToVersionOne" and the SourceState to "Open" and "Submitted"
  7. Validate the Schema
  8. Create a State called "AssignedToVersionOne"
  9. Set the StateType to "Not_Resolved"
  10. Create a CHANGE_STATE Action called "VersionOneAccepted"
  11. Set the Destination State to "AssignedToVersionOne" and the SourceState to "SubmitToVersionOne"
  12. Validate the Schema
  13. Modify the existing "Close" State and set "AssignedToVersionOne" as a valid SourceState
  14. Validate the Schema
  15. Commit the Schema Changes
  16. Upgrade existing database to the new Schema version
In addition to States and Actions, please note any Mandatory fields in your system. In our environment, the only mandatory field when closing a defect was "Resolution".

Configure VersionOne

Skip this step if you are configuring a VersionOne Team Edition instance.
  1. Add "ClearQuest" to the list of valid Source
  2. Determine where to store the ClearQuest ID
    The integration needs a text field in VersionOne to store the ClearQuest identifier. By default this is the Reference field. If you are already using this field, you'll need to create a custom text field and note the name

Configure the Integration

To configure the ClearQuest integration you need to run the ServiceHost configuration tool


The following section describes how to configure your ClearQuest integration using the use the configuration tool

  1. On the General tab specify your VersionOne connection details

    The following table describes the fields on this tab
    Field Description
    Server URL This is the URL to your VersionOne server
    Username VersionOne user that will create defects
    Password Password for the specified user
    Use Windows Integrated Authentication Check this box if you VersionOne server is configured to use Windows Integrated Authentication

    If there's a proxy between this machine and the VersionOne instance, you'll also need to configure the following settings:

    Field Description
    Use Proxy For Connection Determines if the integration tries to connect through a Proxy
    Proxy URL This is the URL to your Proxy Server
    Proxy Username The username that will get you past this proxy
    Proxy Password The password for the Proxy Username
    Proxy Domain Name of Proxy Domain
  2. Once the VersionOne parameters are specified, press Verify button to continue.
  3. On the Defects tab specify the VersionOne field that will hold the ClearQuest ID

    The following table describes the fields on this tab
    Field Description
    Reference Field Name Defect field used to hold ClearQuest ID. By default this is the Reference field.
    Disabled Check this box to disable polling VersionOne for Defect updates.
  4. On the ClearQuest tab specify your ClearQuest connection details and the Defect transfer behavior
    1. Configure the ClearQuest connection (Connection Parameters)
      Field Description
      Disabled Check this box if you want to disable polling ClearQuest for new Defects
      Connection Name ClearQuest Connection Identifier
      Username Valid ClearQuest user for the connection specified
      Password Password for specified user
      Database Name of ClearQuest database to use on the specified connection
    2. Click Verify to ensure the connection parameters are correct.
    3. Configure how Defects appear in VersionOne
      Field Description
      Source Select the VersionOne Source to use for ClearQuest.
      VersionOne Team Edition contains a Source value of "External System"
      URL template Template for create a VersionOne URL to access specific ClearQuest Defect. #key# is replaced with the ClearQuest Defect ID.
      URL title Title to use on VersionOne Link
    4. Configure fields that are mandatory when closing ClearQuest Defects (Mandatory Fields)
      Field Description
      Name Name of field that is required in order to close a Defect in ClearQuest
      Value Valid ClearQuest value to set in specified field
    5. Verify State Fields
      These will only need to be changed if you didn't use our default field names.
      Field Description
      Awaiting Submit state ClearQuest state that indicates which Defects are ready for delivery to VersionOne
      Already Submitted state ClearQuest state that indicates which Defects are in the VersionOne system
      Submit Action ClearQuest Action to perform once a Defect is successfully created in VersionOne
      Close Action ClearQuest Action to perform after the VersionOne Defect is closed
    6. Configure ClearQuest Field Names
      Field Description
      CQ Entity type The name of the Defect entity in your ClearQuest instance
      ID field The name of the ClearQuest Field used to uniquely identify the entity
      Defect Title field The name of the ClearQuest Field containing the entity title
      Description field The name of the ClearQuest Field containing the entity description
      Project name The name of the ClearQuest Field containing the Project Name for this entity
      Owner Login field The name of the ClearQuest Field containing the entity owner
      State field The name of the ClearQuest Field containing the entity state
      Modify Action The name of the ClearQuest Action used to modify the entity
      Poll ClearQuest every Determines how frequently the integration polls ClearQuest looking for Defects.
  5. Map your Projects Values
    Project Mapping allows you to specify where Defects are created in VersionOne. The algorithm for selecting a project is as follows: First, the integration looks for the ClearQuest Project Name in the map. If it exists, the defect is created in the corresponding VersionOne Project. If the ClearQuest Project Name is not found, the integration attempts to find a VersionOne Project with the same name. If found, the integration creates the defect in the VersionOne project with a matching name. If it cannot find a VersionOne project with a name that matches the ClearQuest Project, the integration will create the defect in the root level node of the VersionOne Project tree or in the first Project in the list if there are multiple top level nodes.

    To add a Project mapping you need to do the following:
    1. Click on the Project and Priority Mapping tab
    2. In the Project Mapping grid, select a VersionOne Project value from the dropdown
    3. Supply the corresponding ClearQuest Project name.
      To remove a mapping:
    4. Select the desired row.
    5. Click the Delete current row button
  6. Map your Priority Values
    Priority mapping allows you to configure how the VersionOne Defect priority value is set based on the ClearQuest Priority value. The algorithm for mapping is simple, if the ClearQuest Priority value is in the mapping, the VersionOne defect value is set to the mapped value. If the ClearQuest Priority value is not found, the VersionOne defect value is not set.

    To add a Priority mapping you need to do the following:
    1. Click on the Project and Priority Mapping tab
    2. In the Priority Mappings grid, select a VersionOne Priority value from the dropdown
    3. Supply the corresponding ClearQuest Project value name.
      To remove a mapping:
    4. Select the desired row.
    5. Click the Delete current row button
  7. Save your changes and exit the program

Technical Details


VersionOne.ServiceHost.exe.config is the file that controls the behavior of VersionOne.ServiceHost.exe. Values in this file are set by the configuration tool (ServiceHostConfigTool.exe). This section is provided for informational use only. Users are discouraged from editing this file directly.

The ClearQuestService Element controls how the integration communicates with ClearQuest. The following table describes the elements nested under ClearQuestService.

Element Name Description
ClearQuestConnectionName Name of ClearQuest connection to use
ClearQuestUsername Valid user for the connection specified
ClearQuestPassword Valid password for the Username specified
ClearQuestDatabase Database instance on the specified connection
SourceFieldValue The value to set in the VersionOne Source field. This must be a valid VersionOne Source
ClearQuestWebUrlTemplate Template used for creating a VersionOne link to the ClearQuest defect
ClearQuestWebUrlTitle Title on the VersionOne link
ClearQuestMandatoryFields This element is used to specify ClearQuest Mandatory fields and the values to use when populating these fields
ClearQuestWaitedSubmitToV1State ClearQuest State that indicates which Defects are ready for delivery to VersionOne
ClearQuestSubmitedToV1Action ClearQuest Action to perform once a Defect is successfully created in VersionOne
ClearQuestSubmitedToV1State ClearQuest State that indicates which Defects are in the VersionOne system
ClearQuestCloseAction ClearQuest Action to perform when a Defect is closed in VersionOne

The following configuration parameters describe the ClearQuest entity used by the integration. Each of these elements is also a child of the ClearQuestService element.

Element Name Description Value in our test instance
ClearQuestEntityType The name of the Defect entity in your ClearQuest instance defect
ClearQuestIDField The name of the ClearQuest Field used to uniquely identify the entity id
ClearQuestDefectTitleField The name of the ClearQuest Field containing the entity title Headline
ClearQuestDescriptionField The name of the ClearQuest Field containing the entity description Description
ClearQuestProjectNameField The name of the ClearQuest Field containing the Project Name for this entity Project.Name
ClearQuestOwnerLoginField The name of the ClearQuest Field containing the entity owner Owner.login_name
ClearQuestStateField The name of the ClearQuest Field containing the entity state State
ClearQuestModifyAction The name of the ClearQuest Action used to modify the entity modify

The DefectWriterService element controls how defects are created in VersionOne. The following table describes the elements nested under DefectWriterService.

Element Name Description
ExternalIdFieldName Name of VersionOne field that holds the ID of the ClearQuest Defect. Must be a text field
Element Name Description
ApplicationUrl VersionOne Application URL
Username Valid VersionOne Username. This user must have authority to create defects in the VersionOne projects being processed.
Password Password for specified user
APIVersion The minimum application version required for this hosted service.
IntegratedAuth False if using VersionOne native security, true is using Windows Integrated Security. If VersionOne is configured to use Windows Integrated Security, the account the service is running as must be a configured VersionOne user with a project role of Team Member or higher. Also, Username and Password should be empty if IntegratedAuth is true.

The TimePublisherService element controls the ClearQuest poll frequency. The following table describes the elements nested under TimePublisherService.

Element Name Description
Interval Number of milliseconds to wait between polls to the ClearQuest system
PublishClass Do Not Change

The DefectWriterServiceTimer element controls the VersionOne poll frequency. The following table describes the elements nested under DefectWriterServiceTimer.

Element Name Description
Interval Number of milliseconds to wait between polls to the VersionOne system
PublishClass Do Not Change
Document generated on May 24, 2011 16:53